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From Me to You

Let's set the record straight, I'm just here to show the world my life. I want people to know that there is life outside your town's bubble (don't deny that you live in a bubble). I was born in Arizona, but raised in the mile high state of Colorado. Don't ever call me a broncos fan (#chiefskingdom), instead call me an avid adventurer. I am the type that will purposely get lost on a trek through the woods because I love nature. I am currently studying at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand. How did this come to be you ask? Well I'll probably post one of those blogs to answer that question. Engineering is my key focus currently but on the weekends you can always find me keen to go to the beach, mountains, or anywhere with good street food. Please be sure to follow my social media platforms for more updates as I am planning on some big things.

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